Thursday, July 7, 2011

Telnet server on Windows 7

Windows 7 as telnet server

1. Enabling telnet server feature under Windows 7

In Windows 7 and Windows Server 2008 R2, both Telnet client and Telnet server features are available, although they are not turned on by default. These features can be turned on by an administrator (or a user with an administrator account) through Control Panel\Programs\Programs and Features\Turn Windows features on or off. Instructions for turning on the Telnet client are also provided in Help in Windows 7 and Windows Server 2008 R2.

(Source :

2. Increase maximal telnet server connections count

To set desired number of connection please modify next registry key




3. Each user could have own autologon script

You should modify file C:\WINDOWS\system32\login.cmd ( check registry key LoginScript in node HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\TelnetServer\1.0)

@echo off


rem Default global login script for the Telnet Server


rem In the default setup, this command script is executed when the

rem initial command shell is invoked. It, in turn, will try to invoke

rem the individual user's login script.


rem Modification allows to have own autorun for each user

echo *===============================================================

echo Microsoft Telnet Server.

echo Hello %USERRNAME%

echo To have autorun please modify (or create)

echo %HOMEDRIVE%\%HOMEPATH%\autotelnet.bat

echo *===============================================================


IF EXIST "%HOMEDRIVE%\%HOMEPATH%\autotelnet.bat" call "%HOMEDRIVE%\ %HOMEPATH%\autotelnet.bat"

After that, modify your autotelnet.bat in your user directory (for example add c:\dn\dn line to run DosNavigator on each logon).

4. Troubleshooting

If you have troubles with hot-keys usage, you could run telnet client in next way

telnet -t vtnt YOUR_SERVER_NAME