Recently I had experience of developing small set of web applications for internal use. These applications were based on ZKoss AJAX UI framework. During development me and my teammates realized that we need set of UI test just because it easier and faster to test our work automatically than manually.
- ZKoss element id (not an javascript id)
- ZKoss element type and caption (i.e. @menu[label=”File”])
- ZKoss element type, caption and modal form on which it located (i.e. @window[title=”Error”] @button[label=”Close”])
Also we have some issues:
- With two similar applications we have different behavior of internet explorer WebDriver (it’s related to issue With one application we see unnecessary scrollbar and with other we don’t see it.
- We still can’t run htmlunit tests with our application.
- We still can’t run component tests with ZTL-2 and this will be subject of future investigation.